Sunday, August 7, 2011

things i've read

One thing I like so much about reading is finding out that you are so not alone in the world regarding your thoughts and feelings. I have been reading along in a book too many times to ever count and come across a line that makes me think....omg I thought I was only person that ever felt that way, or had that thought or did that. It is a comfort and connection to the rest of the human race to find out that others have shared your thoughts and feelings.

Another thing that I love is when I come across a phrase or some wording that remains in my head the rest of my life. These often are not upbeat phrases and sentences because I am, whether I like it or not, a person who is draw to the oddity, the mysterious, the quirky, to sadness and unhappiness and unsettled endings. But I am not really a sad and unhappy person. I won't share some of my favorite lines here for fear of revealing too much of my dark side. Too much of myself.

Recently I read this line in a book and I true. "They had time on their hands nowadays, but they did and they didn't. They had more time and they got less done, that was the truth of the matter. And they weren't idle, either".

My weekends are usually fairly open. I could get so much done. And I used to. But now although I feel like I'm busy most of the time, I never seem to get much done and never get around to doing pleasurable things (things I used to find pleasurable and hope to find pleasurable someday again).

I've looked at life from both sides now. From win and lose and still somehow, it's life's illusions I recall. I really don't know life at all.

1 comment:

Momma_Dee said...

I do too much reading and farting around and not enough getting down to business. When I actually force myself to stay on task, I'm usually amazed at what gets accomplished.