Tuesday, August 30, 2011

s-a day 3

The secret of self-acceptance is....

not envying others their talents and accomplishments. It is better even to fail in one's own soul-appointed duty than to succeed in someone else's. Once you succeed in being wholly yourself, you will have achieved the most glorious success possible for any human being.

This is one I have a little trouble with. I don't want to envy others talents and successes but sometimes I find I do. I'm happy for them but sometimes envious. It goes back to the soul-appointed duty thing I guess. It's not that I want to succeed in their talents, it's that I would like to succeed in my own. But what is my soul-appointed duty and how do you find that out before it's too late.

1 comment:

shy_smiley said...

It's ok to be forever questing. That's what it is to be you.