Monday, May 25, 2009

the rumpus room

Bullet vs Eye raising a rumpus back in "99

The rumpus room - a place for play, parties and noise. When we purchased our house I remember the previous owner telling us that they had converted part of the basement into a rumpus room for their teenage children. For twenty years we lived in this room with it looking much the same way that they had left it. B had been slowly making improvements over the past year or two. In April he ripped out the candy striped carpet to reveal a pretty nice looking tile floor underneath. A little old style - but B and I have always liked that vintage look.

However the tile did not extend into the north end of the room. B painted the bare concrete floor and cleaned and shined up the tile floor.

Then we covered it up with new Berber carpet.

The blue stairs leading down into the basement

also got the new carpet.

The bar area

received a new look. We'll work on that hideous red carpeted bar at a later date.

We left the south end uncarpeted....

and it became our gym.....

complete with fireplace. Too bad the fireplace wasn't in the north end. I truly don't think I'll ever want a cozy fire while I'm exercising.

1 comment:

Momma_Dee said...

The carpet looks nice and wow! the gym looks professional.