Monday, May 11, 2009

fiddleheads and mini bells

Saturday evening I looked in the fridge and pulled out this produce. What to do with it? I took a cue from Mexicorn which I love but didn't have. So I made my own. I sauteed the mini bells and added them to frozen corn, a little leftover brown rice and cumin. The fiddle head ferns are only available for a few weeks very year in the spring. They require nothing more than steaming in the microwave, a pinch of salt, a splash of lemon juice.

B grilled these organic grass-fed beef filet mignons which I served up with chimichurri sauce.


Miss Linder said...

I've never heard of fiddleheads, are they an eastern thing?

auntie m said...

They are actually unopened ferns. I think I remember seeing them in Illinois too. Anywhere where ferns would grow.

Momma_Dee said...

Miss Linder, you just don't read enough cookbooks as literature. I actually saw fiddleheads at Trader Joe's in Tucson a couple of years ago but waited to get them when I got home that day. And, of course, there weren't any up here. So Auntie M, do they taste like anything we might already be familiar with?

auntie m said...

Bill thought spinach, but I don't really think so. They have a unique not very strong taste. I love them. I bought some more.