Thursday, February 12, 2009

tax games

Each year when tax season rolls around, we like to do little things at my firm to keep people motivated and give them a fun little little break from all the late nights and Saturdays. We have the fitness challenge that I already blogged about. So far I am on goal. With the added bonus each week there are 15 points max that you can get. The bonus last week was a nutrition quiz. I got all 15 of my possible points and I'm still on track this week. It's amazing how this little challenge can motivate me to go down to the cold basement and run on my treadmill at 9:30 pm when I'd much rather be reading or blogging. Our challenge this week is to see how many sit-ups you can do during a television commercial break. Since I rarely watch TV I guess I'll have to turn it on and wait for a commercial to meet my challenge this week.
Caroline runs a Bingo game each week. We each receive a Bingo board with four games on it and she doles out a few numbers each day. We usually have a winner by Thursday or Friday. The winner gets a gift card to somewhere. I used to run a Boggle game but this year I wanted to mix it up a bit more to appeal to more people. Last week I sent out a word search game and 22 people played. The grand prize was a Target gift card. Two winners each week get to chose a gift from my Box-O-Surprizes which is filled with various items from Target's $1 section. This week I decided to do one of the games that is circulating the Internet. The grand prize will be a gift card from Wegman's. Here is the e-mail I sent out.

Rules: It’s harder than it looks. Copy into a new e-mail, erase my answers, enter yours and e-mail back to me. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real, nothing made up! You can’t use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question. I will be posting these on the outside wall of my cube for all to view. So if you don’t want yours posted, please indicate that when you e-mail it back. Grand prize is $10 gift card to Wegman’s. Have Fun!!

1. What is your name: Ramona
2. A four Letter Word: riot
3. A boy's Name: Robert
4. A girl's Name: Rebecca
5. An occupation: realtor
6. A color: Robin’s egg blue
7. Something you wear: ring
8. A food: rutabaga
9. Something found in the bathroom: razor
10. A place: Rwanda
11. A reason for being late: retching
12. Something you shout: Rebound that ball, y’all
13. A movie title: Remember the Titans
14. Something you drink: Roobios tea
15. A musical group: Radiohead
16. An animal: rhinoceros
17. A street name: Randolph
18. A type of car: Regal
19. A song title: Ruby Tuesday
20. A verb: reticulate

My firm also provides us with Saturday lunches from various restaurants interspersed with subs or deli trays from Wegman's. It's always tasty and there is always a lot of it. I didn't work last Saturday so I missed out on the pancake breakfast that was prepared for us by the partners in honor of our being named one of the Best Companies to Work for in NYS. We have received this honor for the past several years for WNY but this is the first year for NYS. We will find out our ranking in April when Caroline attends the celebration dinner. The wall in this picture is the one that we will be crashing through after tax season to reveal the new space that is being built out on the other side. So we removed the pictures and everyone signed it. Now we kind of like it but I can't wait to see our new eating area. Hurry along, Tax Season.

1 comment:

shy_smiley said...

tax season. I'm scared of taxes and bookkeeping in general. One of my short/long-term goals is to get organized with Quicken or something so Dave can see just how dire our straits are.