Thursday, February 19, 2009

and the people choose

I saw a blurb on aol listing the Top Ten People's Choice movies.

The Shawshank Redemption
The Notebook
Mama Mia
Citizen Kane
It's a Wonderful Life
The Others
The Deer Hunter
Life Is Beautiful

I have to say that I definitely agree with most of them. They are all fine movies. I was surprised to see Mama Mia which I totally loved but still find odd to be on the Top Ten. Citizen Kane I saw for the first time a couple years ago and don't really see what all the fuss is about. It's a Wonderful Life is one of B's favorite movies and we watch it every year. The Shawshank Redemption is one of Jay's favorite movies. The rest are all movies I love and would watch over and over again. Amelie has to be one of my favorite movies ever. I own The Shawshank Redemption, It's a Wonderful Life, The Others and Amelie. I plan to buy Mama Mia when it comes out. I want to buy Twilight too. It's a beautiful love story with beautiful music. The Others is one of my favorite ghost stories. The other being The Sixth Sense. I would also add to this list - Remains of the Day, Pan's Labyrinth, Amadeus and The Heiress. What would you add or take away?


Momma_Dee said...

I never have the same taste in movies as other people. I still haven't seen Amelie though really want to. I could not get through Life Is Beautiful just found it not to my taste. Haven't seen The Others but intend to now. Can't really believe The notebook is on here and would have to personally add The Godfather which I can watch repeatedly.

shy_smiley said...

Shawshank, Kane, Witness, Deer Hunter are the only of those movies I've seen. I hear such wonderful things about Amelie. Maybe that's what I'll watch this weekend, if I can get it at the library. Someone else was gushing to me last week about The Notebook and I just can't bring myself to watch it. Did you?