Friday, September 16, 2011

september song

I love September. Just love this month. Every year I bask in the richness and ripeness of this month. The weather becomes a little bit drier, a little bit cooler, crisper. I get a melancholy feeling that it's not going to last much longer and the dreaded cold weather will be on it's way soon. So I need to love it, drink it in now.

Squirrels start to fatten up, a few crispy leaves start to fall from trees, spiders spin intricate webs, fuzzy caterpillers precariously make their way across country roads, school children are excited about their new supplies and enthusiatic to start classes...the drudgery of attending those classes yet to set in.

Everything that grows is at it's peak of maturity. Seed pods burst open and seeds float through the air on delicate feathery parachutes. Crops are harvested. On this day 29 years ago, I was at my peak of maturity also. I was harvested and produced a healthy 7 lb 10 oz boy baby that we named Jay. Happy Birthday Jay! Just another reason to love September.

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