the public library
Every year for my birthday my friend, Tim, takes me out to lunch. Tim is a former co-worker. We were hired within months of one another at the accounting firm where I work. We shared some of the same interests and had a similar sense of humor. Our cubes shared a wall and we just seemed to hit it off. Tim left my accounting firm for another several years ago but we still meet for lunch on birthdays and Cinco de Mayo when we always have a Margarita. He sent me a birthday ecard several days ago and asked me to lunch. Since I don't work on Fridays, I had the time for a leisurely lunch yesterday. He suggested his new favorite lunch spot...Fables Cafe located in the public library.
waiting for Tim
I arrived a few minutes early and browsed some of the books. I hadn't been in the downtown public library in many years. I was really impressed by all the remodeling that had been done. I had no idea. This is looking towards the entrance from inside the library.
Fables Cafe
a scene from The Great Gatsby
Across from the Cafe was this parlour scene from The Great Gatsby. After lunch I wanted to look throughout the library to see if there were more scenes set up but I needed to get back to my parking spot. I had paid the parking box for two hours and was already more than a half hour late. I may as well have stayed. I'd already gotten a parking ticket.
also a store across from the Cafe
the Fables menu
Tim posing with the bamboo
Belling the Cat
The markers they give you for your table so they will know where to bring your food are fables. We got Belling the Cat...very appropriate for me. How did they know I was such a fan of cats?
my lunch
I had such a hard time deciding what to have for lunch. Everything on the menu looked sooo good. I went with the Duet of Soups served with salad, French bread and a cookie. My soups were Tomato Basil and Cream of Chicken and Artichoke. I swear these were two of the most delicious soups I've ever had.
Tim had the maple sage roasted chicken and let me have a bite. We chatted for over two hours. A pleasant way to spend a Friday afternoon.
What a nice tradition! And interestingly I had one of the best soups ever on Friday. We sure enjoy a good lunch, don't we?
Incidentally, I read that our new library had a cafe. Well, haha, it consisted of some tables and a vending machine. No Gatsby scenes for this old gal.
dang, I'm just watering at the mouth and wishing I could have been there too. What a lovely lunch spot, right there in the library! My favorite things, all rolled into one. If they'd tack on a Goodwill, I swear I'd live there.
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