Saturday, March 7, 2009


I carry a page from an old Mary Engelbreit desk calendar in my wallet. It says......Worry does not rob tomorrow of it's sorrow, it saps today of it's strength. When tax season is wearing on me and my faith in humanity is shaken, I read it over again and try to follow the advise. I draw energy from it, so instead of laying on the couch for a nap, I exercise or straighten the house. Or indulge in my favorite calming pastime - thrift store browsing. Today on my way home from work, I stopped at Amvets and found these shoes waiting for me on the rack. Who could feel unhappy with these happy shoes in their closet? They are a European size 40 but I can't find anything on the Internet about this brand name. Never mind, whether they are $6 shoes or $60 shoes, I think they are worth every penny of the $4 that I paid for them.


barbie said...

Love the shoes...they are so Mona!!! I love Mary Engelbreit...she's so wise :)

Momma_Dee said...

Kind of like fantasizing about some absolutely unique shoes and then actually finding them.You might have to get up in the night to check if they are real.

shy_smiley said...

The shoes are amazingly darling.

Miss Linder said...

Those shoes are great!