Wednesday, March 18, 2009

handbags and gladrags

Leather Fish Purse

For a couple years now I've been buying books and patterns on how to make various purses and handbags. One of these days, maybe when I free up my Fridays again, I'm going to attempt to make some. In the meantime on my thrift store visits, I've been buying up various gladrags for handbag construction. It's no secret that a good portion of my clothing is gladrags from thrift stores, but now I'm buying old velvet, suede and leather skirts with handbag construction in mind. That doesn't stop me from buying an interesting looking already constructed bag when I see one. Like how could I pass up the fish purse? Even if I never carry it, I still like owning it.

And this patterned leather bag. OK, I don't think it is real leather but it's a good imitation and I just saw a real patterned leather bag in Marshall's that was priced well over $100 and Marshall's is a discount store.

This is one of my favorite kind of handbags - crocheted black cotton with little beads sewn all over and bead fringe. Love those beads. This one will get some use.

I actually went shopping in a real store with brand new things for this one. I needed an everyday handbag in a lighter color for spring and summer. I've been carrying this soft naked leather beauty for a week now and I love, love, love it. It cost more than I should have spent but I love, love, love it.

And while I was shopping in Marshall's for the above handbag, I saw this one that had been marked way down. It's a fun handbag that I couldn't pass up. And why do I need so many handbags you may ask? I don't, so don't ask.


Miss Linder said...

You and your sister are quite alike. If I had not known I would have thought that was her post. Love the fish bag.

Momma_Dee said...

I covet that fish. He's fantastic. Where you buy him, Auntie M?