Wednesday, January 11, 2012

depressing and gross talk

While Jay was home over Christmas break, we were sitting in the kitchen when an ad came on TV for depression medication. A voice asked “Do you have thoughts of suicide?” I replied “Who doesn’t?” This received a big laugh in my family. I mean seriously….who has never had thoughts of suicide? I’ve planned mine several times. Living near Niagara Falls I’ve come to the conclusion that jumping off would be my best option. Much better than driving off a bridge, closing my garage door with the car running or taking a bunch of pills. Not much danger of surviving that.
Of course, I would never do it. Too chicken and actually I don’t want to die. I love living.
Once when I worked at Gould in Schaumburg I went downstairs in the elevator with a group of co-workers. When the door opened and we stepped out into the lobby I remarked that the lobby smelled like earwax. Everyone acted so shocked that I would know what earwax smelled like. EWW…that’s so gross. Haven’t they ever poked their finger in their ear and smelled it? Are they so unaware of their body that they truly don’t know what earwax smells like? Or toenail jam?
These must be the people that don’t glance back before they flush the toilet and never have thoughts of suicide.
Ewww….enough gross talk. My next posts will be about happy, lovely things


Jodie said...

I am glad you started blogging again. :) I have never smelled my earwax, but I guess I should. Kind of like stopping to smell the roses but icky. Honest talk about suicide...

Miss Linder said...

That cracks me up at least the earwax part.