Sunday, April 11, 2010

melancholy twilight

I have mentioned before in my blog that twilight is my favorite time of day. I had a particularly long and frustrating day at work yesterday....the last Saturday of tax season. So when those long low rays of orange light started to peek through my western window as I was starting dinner, I had to stop and catch my breath. It is a moment of such intense beauty but also of sadness...a reminder that one more day of my life is coming to an end.

After coming to grips with myself I dashed for my camera to catch some of these fleeting scenes. They were changing and shifting before my very eyes.

This elusive orange glow lasting only minutes.

Come have a seat and bask in the glow.

Reflection of hallway blinds on the bedroom door

Sinking lower

1 comment:

shy_smiley said...

lovely. those moments of melancholy defy description, but your pictures do a pretty good job