Monday, April 5, 2010

easter in rochacha

our simple holiday table

B and I drove to Rochester to spend Easter day with Jay. I planned a simple meal and took all the ingredients along with me. The weather was lovely and we had such a nice relaxing lazy sort of day. I took two naps, watched two movies, cooked dinner, wandered around in the yard and played with the kitties. The lily was a gift to me from Jay.

green beans, yellow squash and roasted tomato strips before microwaving

This potato salad was so good. I boiled white fingerlings, cut them up and while still warm added them to a dish of chopped onion, lots of chopped celery with leafy tops, vinegar, olive oil and several ounces of goat cheese.

a plain green salad served up in a lovely Easter - uhmm- football bowl.

turkey breast on the grill

my Easter gift to Jay - a six pack of Mike's Hard Margaritas bottled in - where else? - but Rochester NY.

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