The minutes are ticking away on one of my last Fridays off before tax season begins again. I plan so much for these Fridays and then wile away a good part my day. Maybe that is why I love them so much. A Facebook friend who was out of a job for several months posted this morning " I remember why I loved you so much."
My sentiments exactly. The first day of January starts a whole 5 sometimes 6 day work week and to add insult to injury the hours change from 8:30-4:30 to 8:30-5:00. A shock to my system.
I started my day lazily drinking coffee in my kitchen and having this breakfast of flax oatmeal with maple sugar, pecans, soy milk and the pears that I canned last summer from my very own little pear tree.
I have so many plans for today. If I accomplish a quarter of them, I'll be happy. I had to start up a load of clothes again in my washer that I had already washed several days ago and then forgot to put in the dryer.
My list
-straighten house
-change bed sheets
-on-line Christmas shop
-set up blog posts
-write Thank You notes to people for all the nice birthday presents I received
-wrap baby shower gift
-go to Wegman's for things I forgot to buy last night
-make appetizer for baby shower
-don't forget to take the punch bowl for baby shower
-browse Dana Saylor's jewelry in my building
-attend baby shower in my office
-don't forget to call client who works part-time and is in her office today even though I am not officially
-meet Bill for concert at Nichols School
-go to bed without having to set an alarm
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