Wednesday, February 8, 2012

trading bodies

Sometimes while I'm running on the treadmill at the BAC, I look around me at all of the other ladies. I compare my body with theirs. I have to say that there are only a handful that I might be willing to trade bodies with. Sure I might have a few extra pounds but let me tell you that there are a lot of ladies, young and old, with a few extra more pounds than I have.

Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to trade bodies. All of a sudden be in someone else's and feel the aches and pains that they feel or to run like the wind with no aches and pains at all. To jump inside a body less fit than mine and work hard to whip it into shape and then give it back. Or jump inside a young body more fit than mine and see what it feels like to run a 5K in 8 minutes miles again. To see what it feels like to have my pants feel tighter in the thighs, or looser in the waist or to have boobs that fill out the bodice of a dress.

So after I pick out the two or three I might be willing to trade with, I start to think.....what if I pick this body and there is a disease or illness lurking it that would shorten my life. I might have a disease or illness lurking in my body too but at least I have a family history of longevity.

And then the treadmill stops and I go home. These are some of the silly things I think about while running on the treadmill.


Jodie said...

I actually do the same thing, but with what people are wearing. Since I work on a college campus and see students wearing all sorts of trendy stuff I will sometimes picture how I would look wearing their clothes.

auntie m said...

I like you, Jodie.

auntie m said...
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Jodie said...

I like you too Mona. Even though we only met once briefly, and I barely know you, I feel like we are very similar.