Last night B and I watched "Knowing' with Nicholas Cage. It turned out to be better than expected...even excellent. This morning I was sitting at my computer reconciling my bank account when B came up the stairs with a gift for me.....this rock that he found while he was working in the yard. I was thrilled. I don't think he realized that I have actually collected meaningful and unusual rocks over these many years. He asked me if I knew why he gave it to me and I said "Sure, because of the movie last night". I added it to my collection.
This has to be one of the most unusual in my collection. It looks just like a heart with valves and the whole works.
Another view
Every one received a lump of coal from R&S,my first employer, a company that built coal mines.
some more of the collection
We got that movie a couple of days ago and it didn't sound good so I'm glad to hear that it is. Is that heart rock from over in northern California where the Tuckers used to live? One time I brought home a rock from there with one of those round holes in it and put a birthday candle in it. Can't seem to come up with anything for my blog lately. Just trying to keep a little bit cool.
I was surprised that I liked this movie so much. I can't remember where I got the heart rock but I think you might be right because I think I remember you telling me that.
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