Wednesday, November 26, 2008

taking time out for a friend

My friend, Barb, and I discovered (through our daily e-mails back and forth while we are at work) that we were both taking a vacation day today to prepare for Thanksgiving. She suggested we take time out of our morning to meet for coffee at Tim Horton's. Here is Barb enjoying a cup of coffee and a 12-grain bagel. I am so disappointed that I have been taking blurry pictures lately. I carry my camera in my purse and the dial gets so easily turned to a setting other than the ones I like. I didn't notice and I can't see the tiny screen well enough even with my reading glasses to tell that the picture is blurry until I download it. That is why I have put a new camera on my Christmas list. So I'm so sorry about the quality of these pics.

After coffee we walked over to Georgetown Liquor to purchase wine for Thanksgiving dinner. Barb knows a lot about wine. She was afraid that she was beginning to sound like an alcoholic but I told her she just sounds like a wine connoisseur. Since her husband is Italian she chose Prosecco - a white sparkling wine. I chose Pouilly-Fuisse since I know that it is a favorite of B. We considered spending the day talking in these big comfy chairs by the fire but knew we had to get along home to start our busy days. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. I am thankful that we could spend some time together.

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