Saturday, November 24, 2012


We were gathered around the Thanksgiving table. My husband asks me....So, would you like to go look at kitchens tomorrow? I swallowed a lump of turkey. "Kitchens?", I echoed in a soft,flat,dazed voice. My son said "You are supposed to say yes". We continued eating. No more mention of kitchens.
Today (two days later) my son said " You didn't go look at kitchens yesterday". "No" I said. "Maybe you should go look tomorrow" he said. Maybe.
I have traveled this ground numerous times in the past 24 years. It was always unstable and crumbled beneath my feet. I learned to stay on the sidewalk.
I have lit this candle many times only to have it snuffed out. But now someone else lit it and I am drawn as a moth to the flame. I unrolled my feelers. I tested the air. Maybe this time, this time there is enough oxygen to sustain the flame.

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