Sunday, December 21, 2008

secret santa

This year at work we repeated the two Christmas activities that were started several years back - Secret Santa and a Christmas Potluck Lunch. Secret Santa is becoming more popular at work and this year nearly all of our 35 employees participated. We chose names several weeks ago which gave my Secret Santa plenty of time to make my gift. (That's easy to say when you aren't the one making the gift.) Maryann is a quilter and I was the lucky recipient of this quilted table runner. I was Secret Santa to a guy this year which made it a bit harder for me to think of a good gift. On top of being a guy, Kevin is a audit guy so he isn't in the office alot. I didn't want to ask around about his likes and dislikes because it is supposed to be secret.

One morning while driving to work I heard a song from Billy Bob Thorton's Christmas CD - The Boxmaster's Christmas Cheer - on the radio. I kind of liked the sound and a lot of the songs are supposed to be funny (and dirty). Kevin is funny guy - always making jokes - so I thought I'd give it a try. I couldn't really tell if he liked it or not. I bought a second CD to give to my son, Jay, for Christmas. After I listen to it I'll know if I should be embarrassed or not for having given it as a gift.

All the food at the Christmas Potluck was yummy. Since I haven't made a single Christmas cookie myself this year I was especially appreciative of these beauties made by Caroline's mom. Caroline is our HR director and her mom provides us with beautifully decorated cookies for every holiday that comes around. Thanks Caroline's mom.


Momma_Dee said...

You really got lucky with that runner!

shy_smiley said...

Yeah, it's gorgeous. And all those cookies... mmmm. Next year I'll pipe my sugar cookie icing. I like that look.