Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a nano story

Last year I ordered this purple iPod nano from Amazon and quickly fell in love with it. I treated it tenderly, watched out for it like it was a baby. Always was very careful to make sure I remembered it when I left the gym, checked my pocket constantly to make sure it hadn't fallen out. Then one night....a small lapse of memory...I left it in my sweatshirt pocket and threw it in the wash. When I emptied the washer I heard that clang....metal against metal and my heart sank. Day after day I checked it to see if maybe it had dried out and would work again. But my faith was not strong. Still I couldn't bear to throw it away.

A week or so later I ordered this green iPod nano touch from Amazon. The colors were more expensive than black or graphite but I wanted a color so I could identify mine from B's and the green happened to be the same price as the black and gray. I placed my order and then found out that shipment was about four weeks in the future. How could I live that long without a nano? After about two weeks, good news from Amazon. It could be shipped the first week in February. Then more good shipped January 31st. Feb 2nd was a snow day for B. When I got home from work he was napping. I started dinner and he woke up and asked me if I had gotten the mail. I hadn't. He opened the door to find an Amazon box laying on the front porch, opened and emptied. My emotions got the best of me. I threw myself to the kitchen floor, kicking, screaming, punching the cabinets and cursing until I was drained. Then I got up and finished making dinner. The next morning I called Amazon and they told problem....we'll overnight you another one. But the next nano. nano. nano. I called again. They are going to overnight it when they get their hands on some. For now they are backordered again. But................I plugged my purple nano in one last time before pitching it and lo and worked. And it has continued to work like a charm.

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